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Growing Giant

Welcome to "Growing Giant" - your source for personal growth, authenticity, and crafting the life you desire. Explore insightful thoughts, practical advice, and inspiring stories to empower your journey. Join us as we uncover the secrets to living a fulfilling, purpose-driven life.

Boy and Uncle At Ocean Side

Joy isn’t someone, but it is amplified by others

December 24, 20236 min read

Boy and Uncle On Dock

When I was around 18 years old I have a vivid memory of being with my uncle looking at the ocean as we were at a dock in Mexico. It was late at night, there was scattered clouds and the moon was bright and beautiful. Making it so that you could see the crashes of the waves as they roared in their beauty.

In the distance we could see cruise ships, and behind us laughter of guest at the resort where we were staying. As we had shared that serene moment that warm winter night, I had started to reflect on our creator, our God, our Heavenly Father.  I found my self drifting off in profound thought and had began to wonder why God did the things He did. He has all the power in the universe and yet things are the way they are, one of the particular things that came to mind is why create a world that is so big, has so much room, and so much space, and yet have 70+ percent of it be water? That didn’t make any sense? From my limited and earthly perspective, all I could think about is waiting to use a machine at the gym, or being on crowded transportation, or worse, barking neighborhood dogs in the middle of the night. Why in the world did God put us so close? Even if He did spare another 10% for land rather than water. We would much happier right?

As I drifted back into reality and came back to that dock over looking the ocean, I had turned towards my uncle and shared these thoughts with him.

“Hey…” I said in a quiet and peaceful tone, “why do you think God put so much water on the earth?” I mean He knows everything right? He’s gotta know, no one would complain for a little more land.” My uncle being in just as deep thought said something that I will never in my life time forget. He replied in a gentle and loving tone. “It’s because God knew we needed each other, so he kept us close”

I was taken back. Being a big believer in intuition and an even bigger believer that God communicates to His children through the spirit. In that moment looking over the mass amounts of water the spirit had testified that was true. We need each other. That our earthly experience was an experience of connection and relationships.

Fast forward a few years. I started to get more and more involved with motivational speaking and attended more and more self development seminars, and read more and more self development books. As I did a frequent message that I would hear is to be independent, that you didn’t need anyone to make you happy, or need others to grow. Now let me be completely clear, this isn’t the message that was being shared, this is what I was hearing and taking away. I have gained insane amounts of insights and tips that have changed my life from my mentors, and I will love and cherish them in gratitude for ever.  But back to what I was hearing; in order to be the highest and best version of me, I needed to rely on me. So I spent a year or two grinding and learning and loving myself. Participating in weight lifting, meditation, reading, and the list goes on.  I would frequently reflect on what I had been hearing and learning that I needed to be happy with me and love me.

Then one day it hit. As if I was on the beach again with my uncle “why did God put us so close together.” I had thought in spirit of independence. It didn’t line up? Then as if my uncle was by my side again I had heard the words “it’s because God knew that we needed each other.” Struck in awe I found myself not only being confused but frustrated. “Which one is it” I remember thinking to myself in prayer. “Is it ok to need others or not.” Then that same soft spirit overcame me, and whispered “Joy isn’t someone, but it is amplified by others”

Wow… this was the truth I had been seeking the whole time.

And just like the storms had cleared under Christs command in that stormy sea, so did my confusion.

We are creators of our own joy, and our own experience. In fact in large that’s why we are here. But being a creator doesn’t mean doing it in solace. Being a creator means that we are the creators of our own joy, and our own experience. That we have the blessing of choice. Choosing what we want to bring into our lives, choosing what to participate in, choosing who to bring in. It is in that power of choice we learn to grow and learn.

But then where do others fit in? Am I saying we do it alone? No absolutely not. But I hold space, because like you, that’s what I heard too. Now if you’re feeling a little confused let me break it down in a simpler terms.

Take a pizza for example. For a pretty typical base you would have dough, sauce, and cheese. That in itself is a pizza. It’s where the majority of nutrients come from. ( now I didn’t say good ones, but you know what I mean ) but then the pizza gets even better when you add the toppings of your choice. You may be a pepperoni person, or Canadian bacon, or maybe you’re like me and just loved to throw what ever they have on the menu on the pizza. Regardless of what you put on the pizza. They are still toppings. You wouldn’t eat a bag of pepperoni and call it a pizza. The pizza is the base, the toppings make the pizza better.

Similarly is life. There’s the base which is us and our unique talents, gifts, and personalities. But the toppings are the people we bring in our life. They help add flavor, and fun. And one of my favorite realizations is similar to a pizza if your favorite topping is out of stock or missing it’s ok to be disappointed, but at the end of the day you still have your pizza. You are super grateful when it’s there, and life continues when it’s not.

So what does this mean?

Fill your life with amazing people. Just as I pondered that night “why did God do the things that He did?” It’s because it’s perfectly designed, God put the people in your life for a reason. They are there to amplify your experience as you are here to amplify theirs. And it’s when we realize that we all have our own base, our own personality, our own gifts, we get to not only find power within us, but get to amplify those around us that much more ❤️

Joy and ConnectionSpiritual ReflectionsHuman RelationshipsPersonal GrowthSelf-Development InsightsMotivational ExperiencesLife's DesignIndependence and InterdependenceSpiritual and Personal JourneyGod and Life's Mysteries The Power of Human BondsSelf-Reflection and RealizationsNurturing RelationshipsLife's Purpose and DesignBalance In Life
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Braydon Carter

Braydon Carter is an esteemed self-development coach, inspirational speaker, and writer. With a strong foundation in psychology and theology, Braydon has dedicated his career to guiding individuals on their journey of personal growth and spiritual exploration. His approach uniquely blends psychological insights with spiritual wisdom, making him a sought-after figure in the fields of motivational speaking and life coaching. Renowned for his transformative workshops and seminars, Braydon focuses on themes such as overcoming fear, embracing change, and discovering one's purpose. Beyond his coaching, he is also a prolific writer, sharing his insights and experiences through a popular blog and several best-selling books in the self-help and spirituality genres. Committed to making a positive impact in the community, Braydon is involved in various philanthropic endeavors, particularly in mental health and education. In his personal life, he enjoys traveling, exploring different cultures, and connecting with nature through activities like hiking and meditation. Braydon's vision is to empower individuals to see themselves through a lens of compassion and divine understanding, inspiring them to unlock their true potential.

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