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Growing Giant

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Jesus With Person Planning

From Christmas Reflections to New Year's Resolutions

December 26, 20233 min read

Jesus Sitting With Someone Planning For 2024

From Christmas Reflections to New Year's Resolutions

Hey there, friends and family,

As the holiday season wraps us in its festive embrace, I couldn't resist the urge to sit down, eat some Christmas cookies, and share a few thoughts with you all. It's that time of year when the world seems to sparkle a bit more, and our hearts feel a bit lighter. As I have been sitting down, pondering and meditating, I was reminded of a few things that have really helped guide me, this holiday season.

In order to shed a better understanding I have to share a little bit of one of my biggest take aways on my mission. Going to Singapore and Malaysia was not only life changing because of the location in which I served but the thoughts and inspirations I had while there. Those days were not just about new experiences but also about profound realizations. On of those realizations is I started to describe Jesus Christ as the ultimate "Life Coach," which might sound a bit unconventional, but hear me out. Imagine someone who's walked your path, felt your highs and lows, and still guides you with a gentle hand – that's the kind of understanding and empathy He represents. That's the exact coach that I would want. With the best part being is He is perfect. Now I don't know about you but I know of no other life coach that has both been what we have been through, and is perfect. It's a perspective that has stayed with me and shaped many of my life's decisions. But what does this have to do with Christmas?

As we fast forward to this very moment, nestled snugly between Christmas and New Year’s. I started to ponder how these two significant occasions are just a week apart? I used to think it was just calendar logistics, but lately, I started to wonder if there was something more? Then a few thoughts came to mind: In Christian tradition, the number seven signifies completeness or perfection. So, isn't it fascinating that Christmas, a time to contemplate Christ's journey and teachings, leads seamlessly into New Year’s, a time for personal reflection and goal setting and it's exactly 7 days apart?

In addition to this fun thought provoking thought, I had also started to consider how special it was that Christmas is a wonderful reminder of Christ, and His purpose for coming to the earth, and then the week after symbolizes a time of change, new beginnings, and growth. I would like to think and suggest that's not a coincidence in fact very much opposite. What if we started to lean into Christ, and His Atoning Sacrifice as we are setting our goals. Taping into His love as we are starting the new year.

How can you apply and keep Christ around in your planning this year? These next 7 days could not only be some of incredible planning and power, but also full of love, grace, and joy as we use this time to reflect on our Savior and use His power not only for healing, but for growing!

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and let's make 2024 a year to remember!

Braydon Carter

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Braydon Carter

Braydon Carter is an esteemed self-development coach, inspirational speaker, and writer. With a strong foundation in psychology and theology, Braydon has dedicated his career to guiding individuals on their journey of personal growth and spiritual exploration. His approach uniquely blends psychological insights with spiritual wisdom, making him a sought-after figure in the fields of motivational speaking and life coaching. Renowned for his transformative workshops and seminars, Braydon focuses on themes such as overcoming fear, embracing change, and discovering one's purpose. Beyond his coaching, he is also a prolific writer, sharing his insights and experiences through a popular blog and several best-selling books in the self-help and spirituality genres. Committed to making a positive impact in the community, Braydon is involved in various philanthropic endeavors, particularly in mental health and education. In his personal life, he enjoys traveling, exploring different cultures, and connecting with nature through activities like hiking and meditation. Braydon's vision is to empower individuals to see themselves through a lens of compassion and divine understanding, inspiring them to unlock their true potential.

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