Growing Giant

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Growing Giant

Welcome to "Growing Giant" - your source for personal growth, authenticity, and crafting the life you desire. Explore insightful thoughts, practical advice, and inspiring stories to empower your journey. Join us as we uncover the secrets to living a fulfilling, purpose-driven life.

The Growing Giant

Don't Commit Self Design Voter Fraud

January 04, 20242 min read

"Avoiding Self-Design Voter Fraud"

It was a Wednesday afternoon, and I found myself in a familiar setting – a bowling alley, meeting with my coach, Nate. Our sessions had become a staple in my journey of self-improvement.

This particular day stood out. Unlike previous meetings where I had a clear agenda, this time I was at a loss. On paper, everything in my life - work, health, relationships - seemed on track. Yet, there was this nagging feeling of discontent, an unshakeable sense of uncertainty. So, I brought it up with Nate:

"I feel like I'm ticking all the right boxes, Nate, but somehow, I'm not quite satisfied with my progress," I confessed.

Nate, with his characteristic grin, probed, "Braydon, how do you approach planning and goal-setting?" I sensed where he was leading, but I needed to hear it.

I shared my nightly ritual of introspection, focusing on areas needing improvement. Nate's reaction was a mix of surprise and understanding. "So, you're essentially tallying up your shortcomings every night?" he asked. I was taken aback by the simplicity yet accuracy of his observation. "Exactly," I admitted.

What Nate said next has stayed with me: "Braydon, it seems you're fixated on what's going against you, ignoring your victories. No wonder you're feeling down – you're constantly spotlighting the negatives."

That was my moment of clarity.

Being someone who loves analogies, my mind drifted to the ongoing election and the rampant discussions about voter fraud. In simple terms, voter fraud involves unfairly manipulating votes. This parallel struck me profoundly.

In our personal growth, we can unknowingly commit a form of 'self-design voter fraud.' By obsessively counting our flaws or areas for improvement, we're essentially casting votes against ourselves. This skewed approach is as unfair in self-development as it is in an election. Instead, what if we started acknowledging our strengths? What if we focused on our successes and the positive aspects of our lives? The power of this shift in perspective is immense.

So, I ask you – what are you excelling at right now? How are you thriving? Recognize these aspects, and let them be the foundation upon which you build and enhance your life.

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Braydon Carter

Braydon Carter is an esteemed self-development coach, inspirational speaker, and writer. With a strong foundation in psychology and theology, Braydon has dedicated his career to guiding individuals on their journey of personal growth and spiritual exploration. His approach uniquely blends psychological insights with spiritual wisdom, making him a sought-after figure in the fields of motivational speaking and life coaching. Renowned for his transformative workshops and seminars, Braydon focuses on themes such as overcoming fear, embracing change, and discovering one's purpose. Beyond his coaching, he is also a prolific writer, sharing his insights and experiences through a popular blog and several best-selling books in the self-help and spirituality genres. Committed to making a positive impact in the community, Braydon is involved in various philanthropic endeavors, particularly in mental health and education. In his personal life, he enjoys traveling, exploring different cultures, and connecting with nature through activities like hiking and meditation. Braydon's vision is to empower individuals to see themselves through a lens of compassion and divine understanding, inspiring them to unlock their true potential.

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