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Don't Be So Scared

Don't Be So Scare - Seeing Yourself Through The Eyes of God

December 18, 20232 min read

"Don't Be Scared - Seeing Yourself Through The Eyes Of God"

Blog by Braydon Carter

“Don’t be so scared” – a reminder that our journey is not just about who we are today, but who we can become tomorrow, with faith and courage.

It's in those quiet, reflective moments of life that we often find our most profound lessons. This morning, as I meditated, I found my thoughts wandering back to a scene from my favorite play, "The Forgotten Carols." There's a particular moment in this play that always seems to resonate deeply within me.

In the scene, a little girl, playing an angel in a portrayal of Christ's birth, looks upon the wise men and shepherds with a tender gaze. Her words, simple yet profound, echo through the silence: “Don’t be so scared.” This line, though spoken by a child in a play, holds a truth that transcends the stage.

Also present in this scene is her father, a figure of strength and impending sacrifice. He's about to leave for a warzone, to serve his country. Yet, in his interaction with his daughter, he reinforces her message of bravery, promising to remember not to be scared.

This morning, as I pondered over this sweet, poignant moment, the words “don’t be so scared” lingered in my mind. In the realm of self-development, we often speak about pushing our boundaries, striving for betterment. This journey, while rewarding, can also be a source of anxiety and fear. Stepping out of our comfort zones, challenging our deeply ingrained habits, and facing the unknown – these are not easy feats.

But the message from that stage whispers a comforting reminder: "Don’t be so scared."

Our faith teaches us that we are not alone in our journey of growth and self-improvement. Our Heavenly Father has laid out a path for us, a way to emulate His goodness and grace. Through Christ and His Atonement, we are given guidance and strength. This divine intervention doesn't just pull us away from our past but propels us towards a future filled with possibilities and hope.

Christ, who has experienced every facet of human emotion and struggle, stands as our ultimate example. Through Him, we learn that being scared is a part of our journey. But more importantly, through His teachings and sacrifice, we are reassured that we can overcome our fears. We can step beyond the familiar and embrace the unknown with faith.

In conclusion, as we face the various challenges and uncertainties in our lives, let's hold onto that gentle admonition: "Don’t be so scared." It's a call to trust in the divine plan, to see ourselves through the eyes of God – not just as we are, but as we can become. In embracing this perspective, we open ourselves to the true potential that lies within us, guided by divine love and grace.

faithcourageself-developmentcomfort zonedivine guidanceChrist's AtonementPersonal GrowthOvercoming FearSpiritual JourneyInspirationReflectionThe Forgotten CarolsResilienceTransformationHeavenly Father
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Braydon Carter

Braydon Carter is an esteemed self-development coach, inspirational speaker, and writer. With a strong foundation in psychology and theology, Braydon has dedicated his career to guiding individuals on their journey of personal growth and spiritual exploration. His approach uniquely blends psychological insights with spiritual wisdom, making him a sought-after figure in the fields of motivational speaking and life coaching. Renowned for his transformative workshops and seminars, Braydon focuses on themes such as overcoming fear, embracing change, and discovering one's purpose. Beyond his coaching, he is also a prolific writer, sharing his insights and experiences through a popular blog and several best-selling books in the self-help and spirituality genres. Committed to making a positive impact in the community, Braydon is involved in various philanthropic endeavors, particularly in mental health and education. In his personal life, he enjoys traveling, exploring different cultures, and connecting with nature through activities like hiking and meditation. Braydon's vision is to empower individuals to see themselves through a lens of compassion and divine understanding, inspiring them to unlock their true potential.

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